Is it my imagination, or have I finally found something worth living for ?

For many, this morning 8am BST was a great time to be alive. Finally we have confirmation of the best nostalgia trip many of a certain age have been waiting for. That others 25 years or so younger have only dreamt of.
Nostalgia is an incredible thing. Stories passed down from those that were there. The quite good, but not brilliant modern gigs from both brothers. Both playing a few classics, but mostly showcasing new tunes. Even Liam's current tour has been good, but not great.
So I'll start a revolution in my head
So why are so many people giddy beyond excitement?
Why are we looking for things to sell, maybe Grandad's teeth, to fund 1, 2 maybe even 3 tickets if we can get them.
We are checking our Summer 25 diaries right now and rearranging things that may clash.
We live in the shadows, we had the chance but we threw it away
Because the Oasis brand is huge. No matter what the Gallagher brothers have done between them to tarnish it. There are stories from those 'that were there' that I am guilty of recanting. There are tales of 'I remember the first time I put DM on for a spin, or WTSMG as I high as I could.' You can't walk into a guitar shop without hearing Wonderwall or Don't Look Back In Anger being strummed by teenagers who are too young to remember 1996
Ticket sales will be chaos. Extra dates will be added. There are those that will call it a cash grab, a way of lining their already well greased pockets.
Hello Hello it's good to be back
Nope .. they are giving the people what they want, sure the pay day doesn't hurt.
Finally they have manged not to look back in anger
If you haven't figured it out yet. I am in the queue. It's a dream to stand in a field in Manchester, or the stalls at Wembley, both of by adult children with me singing at the top of my lungs.
Why, because I actually thought it would never ever happen.
Sure I need to get tickets first. But for the next few days, I can dream.
Sure the gigs may end up rubbish and the memories will have been better, but maybe just maybe not and the nostalgia trip will all be worth it.